
While our inaugural edition focused on the belly and the second edition on the legs, Dàme 03 shifts its attention to hair. Why did we choose this specific body part? We have started from two simple questions: "What does hair represent for a person? And, what does hair say about a person and the society they live in?" Thus, we have delved into the symbolism and cultural meanings that hair has taken on over the centuries.

Since the times of Homo sapiens, hair has been a way to express who we are, a visible testament to our evolution over time. The mane is a universal symbol, a direct and immediate language that sets humanity apart from animals. History also teaches us that hair can be a symbol of freedom or oppression, serve as a political tool, and represent identity. As Primo Levi wrote, "We no longer own anything: they took our clothes, our shoes, and even our hair," pinpointing the act of shaving as one of the earliest means to erase the individual, as if, by removing the hair from the head, one's identity also disappeared. But hair goes beyond that. It carries with it the profound questions of humanity related to religion, power, politics, sexuality, concepts of masculinity and femininity, and gender discrimination. For this reason, it represents both a source of pride and, at the same time, can evoke shame and discomfort.

With this third edition of Dàme, the theme of hair is brought to the forefront of the discussion, exploring its cultural meanings, and addressing the taboos that hide behind this significant part of our body, from alopecia and white hair to Afro hair and the hijab. 

Dimensions: 23.5 x 16.5 cm
Number of pages: 180
Language: Italian + English